
Navigating Today’s Cyber Threat Landscape with Arctic Wolf

By Dr. Jerry Craig | August 20, 2024
Jerry is Ntiva’s Sr. Director of Security and CISO, offering more than 20 years in the IT and cybersecurity industry. Certified CISO, CISSP and CCSP, Jerry also serves part-time as Adjunct Professor in the University of Maryland Global Campus.

Staying ahead of cybersecurity threats is more important than ever to keep your business safe. That’s why we recently sat down with Brad Hanly, Manager of MSP Sales Engineering at Arctic Wolf, to dive into some crucial insights. With over 15 years of experience in IT cybersecurity, Brad knows the ins and outs of the challenges businesses face today.

In our chat with Brad at Arctic Wolf, we covered everything from the surge in ransomware attacks to the sneaky dangers of business email compromise. But it wasn’t just about identifying the issues—we also dug into practical strategies that can help businesses like yours stay secure, even when things get tough.

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So whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or just starting to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity, this conversation is packed with valuable insights. And if you want to get the full picture, we definitely recommend watching the webinar—we’ve included the link above. But first, let’s dive into some of the key takeaways from our discussion with Brad. 

The Alarming Stats Behind Today's Cyber Attacks

The volume of cybersecurity threats has reached unprecedented levels, putting businesses of all sizes under immense pressure. During the webinar we explored the seriousness of these threats, focusing on the alarming rise in attacks that can cripple operations and put sensitive information at risk.

Here's a rundown of some eye-opening stats that shed light on the seriousness of today's cybersecurity threats:

  • Ransomware and Data Extortion: Ransomware and data extortion attacks now account for nearly 50% of the incidents that Arctic Wolf responds to. Imagine half of all cybersecurity breaches being tied to criminals locking down your data and demanding payment to release it. Unfortunately, this nightmare scenario is becoming increasingly common.

  • Business Email Compromise: This lesser-known but equally dangerous threat accounts for almost 30% of incidents. A single click on a malicious link can allow hackers to infiltrate your email systems, steal sensitive information, or set the stage for a larger attack. It’s a silent but deadly threat that often flies under the radar.

These aren’t just hypothetical risks—they’re real and happening every day to businesses across various industries. The key takeaway is clear: no organization is too small or too insignificant to be targeted. Whether you’re in healthcare, finance, construction, or any other sector, cybercriminals are casting a wide net, and if your defenses aren’t strong enough, you could be their next victim.

Facing the Reality of Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity business threats

Given those revealing stats, it’s clear that cybersecurity threats aren’t just something to worry about—they’re here, and they’re hitting hard. With nearly 50% of incidents involving ransomware and data extortion, it’s more important than ever for businesses to be on guard. These aren’t just abstract dangers—they’re real, and they can take down your operations or put your sensitive data at serious risk.

So, what can you do? The good news is that there are some tried-and-true strategies that can make a big difference. Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a must—it adds an extra layer of security that makes it much tougher for bad actors to break in. And then there’s network monitoring, which is all about keeping an eye on things in real-time so you can catch suspicious activity before it turns into a full-blown crisis. Together, these tools help build a solid defense that can stand up to even the most sophisticated threats.

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Understanding Insider Threats

Insider threats are one of those challenges in cybersecurity that often fly under the radar. The truth is, these threats aren’t always about someone with bad intentions; more often than not, they’re the result of simple human error. Maybe an employee accidentally clicks on a phishing link, unknowingly shares sensitive information, or gets tricked by a cleverly disguised email. While the term "insider threat" might make you think of sabotage, the reality is that most of these incidents are just honest mistakes.

It’s important for organizations to recognize this. If you only focus on external threats, you might miss the risks posed by your own team. That’s why a strong cybersecurity strategy isn’t just about having the right tech in place—it’s also about making sure your employees are well-trained and aware of the potential consequences of their actions. By giving your staff the tools and knowledge to spot and avoid common pitfalls, you can significantly cut down on the chances of insider threats causing trouble. Creating a culture of security—where everyone is on the lookout and stays informed—is key to keeping your business safe.

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Data Analysis and Security Insights

One of the most impressive takeaways was the sheer volume of data that needs to be analyzed to keep threats in check. Arctic Wolf’s Security Operations Center (SOC) is right at the center of this, handling an incredible 5.6 trillion events every week. That’s a staggering amount of data, and it takes some serious expertise to sift through all that noise and zero in on the real threats. Out of those trillions of events, about 129,000 get flagged for a closer look each week, and around 37,000 are serious enough to require direct action and communication with clients.

This process really shows why having expert eyes on your network is so crucial. The sheer volume of data that needs to be analyzed is more than most in-house teams can handle, which is where Arctic Wolf’s SOC becomes invaluable. Their ability to filter through trillions of data points and pinpoint actionable threats is what helps businesses stay ahead of cybercriminals. By tapping into these insights, organizations can protect their most valuable assets and be ready to respond quickly and effectively to any threat.

Why IT Managed Security Services Are Your Best Defense

Managed Security Services Provider

Protecting your business from cyber threats is no small task, and having the right partner can make all the difference. That’s where Arctic Wolf comes in, supporting Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like Ntiva with the tools and expertise needed to keep clients safe. With Arctic Wolf, MSPs can offer around-the-clock protection, backed by advanced threat intelligence and real-time monitoring—capabilities that go beyond what most companies can manage on their own.

But here’s the thing—cybersecurity isn’t just about checking off compliance boxes. Sure, meeting regulatory requirements is important, but true protection means building a security posture that can handle whatever comes your way. Arctic Wolf doesn’t just help businesses meet the minimum standards; they help you stay ahead of sophisticated attacks and adapt to new threats as they emerge.

Staying One Step Ahead in Cybersecurity

Compliance might keep you out of trouble, but a strong security posture truly keeps your business safe. When you partner with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) that leverages the power of Arctic Wolf, you’re not just meeting the minimum standards—you’re actively preventing problems before they start. By continuously analyzing vast amounts of data and investigating potential threats, your MSSP, with Arctic Wolf's support, provides the vigilance needed to stop attacks before they can cause harm.

And if something does go wrong? Your MSSP is ready to respond quickly and effectively, ensuring your business can keep running smoothly, even in the face of a cyberattack.

Partnering with an MSSP isn’t just about compliance; it’s about achieving real security that reassures your clients and partners. To dive deeper into these strategies, don’t forget to check out the webinar featuring Brad Hanly from Arctic Wolf!

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Tags: Cybersecurity