
Unlocking ROI: How Efficient IT Practices Can Transform Your Membership Association

By Margaret Concannon | September 10, 2024
Margaret is the Content Marketing Manager at Ntiva, and has been a marketer for managed services providers since 2013.

Membership associations are facing a growing challenge: rising IT costs and underutilized technology. With limited budgets, many associations find themselves stuck with outdated systems, leading to higher maintenance expenses and lower operational efficiency.

In fact, according to a recent Nonprofit Technology Trends Report by NTEN, 55% of nonprofit organizations, including associations, reported they don’t have the budget to invest in the technology they need. This financial strain not only slows down day-to-day operations but also hampers long-term growth.

Efficient IT practices are crucial for breaking this cycle. By streamlining operations, associations can reduce costs, improve member engagement, and get more value from their technology investments. The key is understanding that you don’t have to tackle this alone. Working with an experienced IT provider that specializes in the unique needs of membership associations can make all the difference. From identifying inefficiencies to implementing scalable solutions, the right partner can help your association make the most of its IT investments while staying within budget.

This guide will walk you through practical strategies to optimize your IT operations and maximize your ROI. Let’s get started!

Your First Step: Conducting a Comprehensive IT Audit

IT auditTo improve your association’s IT efficiency and maximize ROI, the first step is conducting a comprehensive IT audit. This is where you take stock of all your current technology—hardware, software, and processes—to identify what’s working and what isn’t.

Who Should Conduct the Audit? While it’s tempting to keep everything in-house, this is where an external IT provider specializing in associations can make a significant difference. An outsourced IT partner brings a fresh set of eyes, along with the expertise and tools necessary to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement that might be overlooked by internal teams.

Key Steps in the Audit Process:

Assessing Your Hardware and Software: Start by reviewing all your current IT assets. What hardware are you using, and is it still performing optimally? Are there outdated or underutilized software licenses draining your budget? These are common pain points for many associations.

Reviewing Your Processes: Next, take a look at how your technology is actually being used day-to-day. Are there any bottlenecks or repetitive tasks that could be automated? Often, processes that have worked for years are simply outdated or inefficient in today’s digital world.

PRO TIP: During this audit, it’s helpful to use specific tools like ROI calculators to see where your IT spend is going and how it’s benefiting (or not benefiting) your organization. Performance benchmarks can also help you gauge how your current setup measures against industry standards.

Identifying Redundancies and Wasted Resources: One of the biggest outcomes of a thorough audit is discovering where resources are being wasted. Identifying these inefficiencies is the first step toward streamlining your IT operations and cutting costs, whether underused software licenses, outdated hardware, or redundant systems.

The ultimate goal of an IT audit is to pave the way for more efficient IT practices. It’s not just about cutting costs—it’s about making smarter investments in technology that support your association’s growth and member engagement. A comprehensive IT audit allows you to take control of your technology strategy, streamline operations, and ultimately improve your ROI. This is a critical first step in transforming your association’s IT from a cost center into a value driver.

What's Next After the Audit?

Once your IT audit is complete, it’s time to turn insights into action. Here are the key steps your association should take to ensure the findings lead to meaningful improvements:

  1. Review and Analyze Findings: Carefully evaluate the audit results to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
  2. Prioritize Recommendations: Focus on the most impactful changes that will deliver the highest ROI.
  3. Develop an Action Plan: Create a clear roadmap with specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities.
  4. Communicate Results: Share the audit findings and action plan with key stakeholders for transparency and alignment.
  5. Allocate Budget and Resources: Ensure you have the necessary financial and staffing resources to implement the changes.
  6. Implement the Changes: Begin rolling out updates, whether it’s upgrading hardware, adopting new software, or streamlining processes.
  7. Monitor Progress: Track improvements using performance metrics and KPIs to ensure the changes are delivering results.
  8. Provide Training and Support: Equip your team with the necessary training to fully integrate new systems and processes.
  9. Update Policies and Procedures: Reflect any new technology or process changes in your IT policies.
  10. Schedule Regular Audits: Plan for ongoing audits to keep your IT strategy aligned with your association’s goals.

By following these steps, your association can capitalize on the audit findings, streamline operations, and position itself for long-term success with optimized IT practices.

Step #2: Optimize Your IT Operations

Once your IT audit is complete, the next step is to optimize your operations. The goal here is to streamline your processes, reduce costs, and make your technology work harder for you. There are several proven tactics that can help associations achieve this, starting with automation and consolidation.

Automate Routine Tasks

Many associations are bogged down by repetitive tasks that can be easily automated. Whether it's scheduling backups, managing member data, or sending out routine communications, automation can free up valuable time for your staff and improve overall efficiency.

Consolidate Software Licenses

Another key tactic is consolidating software licenses. Often, associations use multiple tools for overlapping tasks, leading to unnecessary costs. By evaluating which platforms are essential and which can be consolidated, you can reduce your software spend while maintaining—or even enhancing—your capabilities.

Prioritize Cloud Adoption

One of the most effective ways to streamline IT operations and reduce costs is by moving to the cloud. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. According to the NTEN report we mentioned above, 69% of nonprofits experienced significant IT cost reductions after adopting cloud solutions. Moving to the cloud eliminates the need for physical servers, reduces maintenance costs, and provides greater flexibility, especially in a remote or hybrid work environment.
  2. Beyond cost savings, scalability is another major advantage of cloud adoption. This study showed that 78% of nonprofits reported greater scalability, allowing them to quickly adapt to changing needs without the heavy investment required for new hardware or infrastructure. For associations, this means being able to grow and evolve without the headache of constant technology upgrades.

A great example of the impact of optimizing IT operations can be seen in the case study of a nonprofit organization that worked with Ntiva to overhaul their IT infrastructure. Through a combination of moving to the cloud and consolidating underused services, the organization was able to significantly reduce their IT costs. While the specific reduction wasn’t 20%, they successfully streamlined their operations, improved data security, and cut costs by partnering with an IT provider who understood their unique needs. 

Remember, optimizing IT operations isn't just about saving money; it's about creating a more efficient, responsive, and scalable IT environment that can support your association’s growth. By automating tasks, consolidating licenses, and adopting cloud solutions, you can turn your IT operations into a driver of value—not just another line item on the budget.

Step #3: Boost Member Engagement with the Right Technology

membership engagement

For membership associations, member engagement is everything. The right technology can make a huge difference in how your members interact with your services, increasing satisfaction and retention. Here are a few ways to make that happen:

CRM Systems: A well-integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps track and manage interactions with members, allowing for more personalized communication and a better understanding of their needs.

Mobile Apps & Member Portals: Offering mobile apps and member portals gives members convenient, anytime access to resources like events, dues, and important content. These tools enhance engagement, increase participation, and create a more seamless experience for your members.

Invest in Data Analytics for Personalization: By analyzing how members interact with your CRM, apps, and portals, you can provide personalized experiences that resonate with them. Whether it's suggesting relevant content or tailoring event invitations, personalization can lead to greater satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Pro Tip: When selecting a CRM or member portal, choose a platform that integrates easily with your existing systems and allows for future scalability. This ensures you can seamlessly add new features or accommodate growth without overhauling your entire tech infrastructure, saving you time and money in the long run.

Case Study: Driving Member Engagement with Technology

One nonprofit, for example, partnered with Ntiva to develop a custom mobile app. While the focus was on streamlining internal processes like audits, the app also became a valuable tool for enhancing member engagement. It simplified tasks like submitting documents and accessing updates, making real-time interactions with the organization easier for members.

The result? Improved operational efficiency and a noticeable increase in member satisfaction. This case illustrates how investing in the right technology—whether for operational improvements or member-facing solutions—can lead to stronger relationships and better communication. By implementing custom solutions like these, associations can meet their members where they are and create meaningful, tech-enabled engagement that drives long-term loyalty.

CTA4 Tailored IT Solutions to Increase Association Membership Engagement

Step #4: Implement Cost-Effective Security Measures

When it comes to IT, security isn’t just an option—it’s a must, especially for associations handling sensitive member data. While security measures might seem like an extra expense, the cost of neglecting them can be far worse. According to TechSoup, 60% of nonprofits that suffered a data breach spent over $100,000 on recovery. That’s a financial hit no association wants to take, and it’s one that can be avoided with the right precautions.

By investing in smart, cost-effective security practices, your association can protect its data and reputation without breaking the bank. Here are a few essentials:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adding extra layers of verification makes it much harder for unauthorized users to gain access, giving you a simple yet powerful security boost.
  • Regular Patch Management: Keeping your software up-to-date with the latest patches ensures your systems are protected from emerging threats, helping you stay one step ahead of cyber risks.

Balancing Cost and Security

You don’t need a huge budget to maintain strong security. Start with scalable solutions that grow with your association. Cloud-based security tools, for example, provide solid protection without heavy infrastructure costs, while basic measures like MFA and automated patch management offer big benefits at a low cost.

Managed Security Services

Partnering with an IT provider for managed security services can be a game-changer. With continuous monitoring, regular updates, and expert guidance, you’ll have a team dedicated to keeping your data safe, all within a predictable budget. Plus, they’ll respond quickly to any potential threats, so you don’t have to worry about handling it alone.

In the end, secure IT practices are an investment that pays off. By putting the right measures in place now, your association can avoid the massive recovery costs that come with a data breach—and ensure your data, finances, and reputation are safe.

Step #5: Future-Proof Your Membership Association

membership future proof

As technology keeps advancing, it’s important for your association to stay ahead to remain competitive and efficient. Future-proofing your IT means paying attention to new trends and making smart investments that will continue to deliver value as your needs grow and change.

Key Technology Trends to Watch

Innovations like AI, data-driven decision-making, and hybrid cloud solutions are shaping the future of IT. AI can automate routine tasks and provide deeper insights into member behavior, while data analytics helps you make smarter decisions based on real-time trends. Hybrid cloud solutions offer flexibility, allowing you to store critical data on-premises while leveraging the scalability of the cloud.

Invest in Scalable IT Solutions

Your association’s needs will change over time, so investing in IT solutions that can grow with you is crucial. Scalable technology means you won’t need to overhaul your systems every few years. Instead, you can adapt and expand as your membership base grows, avoiding costly disruptions.

Focus on Your Strategy!

Future-proofing is about more than just technology—it’s about aligning your IT investments with your association’s long-term goals. By taking a strategic approach, you ensure that your IT infrastructure supports growth, enhances member engagement, and drives long-term ROI. The right plan keeps you competitive while maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste.

Looking Ahead: Making Your IT Work for You

Your association deserves more than just "good enough" technology. By adopting efficient IT practices, you can turn your tech into a powerful engine for growth and member engagement. From automating processes to strengthening data security, each step we've outlined can help you cut costs and maximize ROI.

But the real advantage comes from partnering with the right IT provider—one that understands the unique challenges associations face. With experts in your corner, you can leverage cutting-edge trends like AI and hybrid cloud solutions while ensuring your IT infrastructure is flexible and ready to grow with you.

Your technology should work as hard as you do. Ready to get started? Let’s connect and build a future-proof IT strategy tailored to your association’s needs. Schedule your consultation today, and let’s unlock the full potential of your technology investments.

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Tags: Managed IT