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Choosing the Right MSP for Increasing Your Association Membership

Written by Margaret Concannon | Sep 18, 2024

When it comes to driving growth for your membership association, finding the right Managed Service Provider (MSP) is about much more than solving technical problems or keeping the lights on. It’s about choosing a partner who truly understands your vision and works alongside you to reach your goals. 

Increasing membership, enhancing engagement, and improving operations aren’t challenges you should face alone. A strong MSP is more than just a service provider—they’re a trusted partner who grows with you, supporting both your day-to-day needs and your long-term strategy. When the relationship is right, your MSP can be instrumental in driving the success of your association, helping you stay agile in a rapidly changing landscape while ensuring your members receive the best possible experience. 

In this post, we’ll explore what to look for—and what to avoid—when selecting an MSP that can actively contribute to your association's growth. From shared goals and collaboration to the pitfalls of choosing a partner focused solely on the tech, we’ll guide you through the key factors that make all the difference. 

5 Things to Look for in an MSP Partnership 

Let’s be honest—switching to a new MSP or even onboarding one for the first time can be a major headache. It’s a complicated, time-consuming process that can easily drain your team’s energy. But the reality is, sticking with the wrong MSP can be even more damaging, holding your association back from reaching its full potential. Whether it's poor support or a lack of understanding of your goals, the wrong MSP can make or break your growth and member engagement. 

That’s why it’s so important to do your homework. The right MSP will not only smooth out the onboarding process but will also become a key player in helping your association thrive. They’ll understand the complexities of your organization and work with you to find solutions that fit your unique needs. 

So, when you’re ready to make the switch, make sure you’ve done your research. The right MSP is not just a service provider; they’re a partner who plays a critical role in your association’s success. Here are five key things to look for in that partnership. 

#1. They Make Your Goals Their Priority 

It’s not enough for an MSP to simply understand the technical side—they need to fully grasp your goals as a membership organization. But how do you know if an MSP truly gets what you’re trying to achieve?

A good MSP will take the time to meet with you, whether through discovery meetings or ongoing consultations, to understand the details of your organization. They’ll ask questions like:

What are your current membership challenges?

A great MSP doesn’t stop at surface-level issues. They’ll dig into the real pain points, whether it’s difficulties with onboarding, keeping members engaged, or managing member data more efficiently. For example, if onboarding is a challenge, the MSP may implement an automation system for smoother processes. Or, if engagement is a concern, they might suggest enhancing your member portal or integrating personalized communications via CRM systems.

What’s your retention rate, and what do you think drives that?

Understanding your retention rate helps the MSP assess whether you need more data-driven solutions, like analytics dashboards, to monitor engagement or tools to better track and nurture members over time. Retention is often tied to seamless interactions, which means your IT systems need to provide a smooth, frictionless experience for members.

How do you envision improving member engagement or onboarding new members?

Your vision for engagement and onboarding reflects your organization’s growth and strategic goals. Do you need better system integration, like linking your membership database with email marketing or event management platforms? Are more customizable workflows required to engage members across different touchpoints, such as through cloud-based apps or personalized email campaigns? The right MSP will work to bring your vision to life, tailoring solutions that simplify processes and enhance the member experience.

An MSP that truly understands your goals won’t rely on one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, they’ll tailor their services to your specific needs. For instance, if increasing new member sign-ups is a priority, they might suggest optimizing your member portal for mobile use or automating email campaigns to streamline onboarding.

Look for an MSP that demonstrates a clear understanding of how technology can support your membership efforts and ask them to share examples of how they’ve helped similar organizations achieve their goals.

#2. They are Proactive, Not Reactive

A proactive MSP doesn’t wait for things to break. Instead, they’re always on the lookout for opportunities to improve your operations and prevent issues before they happen. But how can you tell if an MSP is proactive? 

Here’s what to look for: 

Regular system audits

Does the MSP perform periodic reviews of your IT infrastructure and offer recommendations for improvement? 

Ongoing education

Do they stay informed about new technologies and trends that can benefit your organization, like new CRM tools designed specifically for membership associations? 

Frequent communication

Do they reach out regularly—not just when there’s an issue—with updates, ideas, and strategic advice on how you can better serve your members? 

For example, if they notice that your members are experiencing longer load times when accessing online resources, a proactive MSP might suggest upgrading your server or optimizing the website’s backend to improve performance, rather than waiting for members to complain. They may also suggest features like chatbots to streamline member inquiries or improve the user experience on your site, before you even ask for it. 

#3. They Help You Grow Without Limits

As your association grows, so do your IT needs.  Considering economic challenges, nonprofits and associations increasingly invest in IT to stabilize their operations. Just this year, about 20% of nonprofits reported plans to invest in automation to offset economic pressures, making scalability a critical factor when selecting an MSP. ​The right MSP will ensure your systems are prepared to handle that growth without hiccups. But how can you tell if an MSP can scale with you? A scalable MSP will: 

Plan for the future.

During initial discussions, ask how they’ll support your organization as it expands. Do they have a roadmap for growth? For instance, if you’re planning a large membership drive, do they have a strategy for scaling your CRM and ensuring your servers can handle the additional traffic? 

Offer flexible solutions.

Can they adjust their services based on fluctuating membership numbers? For example, as your member base grows, will they be able to seamlessly scale up your cloud infrastructure or integrate new features, such as automated member services or better data analytics tools for tracking engagement? 

Provide case studies and use cases.

Ask for examples of how they’ve helped other associations grow. Did they help one organization transition from a local to a national membership base? What kind of systems did they implement to make that transition smooth? 

Offer strategic IT planning and budgeting:

A forward-thinking MSP goes beyond addressing immediate IT needs—they help you plan for the future.  Look for an MSP that includes strategic IT planning and budgeting as part of its service (like Ntiva's IT Advisor services). This will ensure you have a clear plan for tech investments and scaling as your membership grows. This type of service is essential for long-term growth, helping you allocate resources effectively and avoid unexpected costs down the road.

#4. They Keep Your Data Safe and Secure

For membership associations, member data is a treasure trove of sensitive information, from payment details to personal information. A strong MSP will prioritize security at every level, but how do you know they take it seriously? Look for an MSP that: 

Conducts regular security audits

They should perform frequent reviews of your systems to identify vulnerabilities before they become threats. Ask if they follow industry-standard security frameworks like NIST or ISO. 

Implements strict data compliance measures

Depending on your association’s reach, you may need to comply with regulations like GDPR or CCPA. A good MSP will ensure your data handling practices are compliant with these laws, safeguarding both your members’ data and your organization’s reputation. 

Monitors systems 24/7

A proactive approach to security includes constant monitoring of your systems, so they can quickly detect and address any potential threats before they cause harm. 

To test their security expertise, ask your MSP to walk you through how they would protect your member data from common threats like phishing attacks or ransomware. Better yet, ask if they offer security training for your staff and provide examples of how they’ve responded to security incidents in the past. 

#5. They Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Open communication is the backbone of any successful partnership, and your MSP is no different. You should feel informed, confident, and in control of your IT environment. But how do you know if an MSP excels at communication? 

Here’s what to look for: 

A dedicated account manager

Does the MSP assign a dedicated point of contact who knows your organization and can address any issues promptly? This ensures continuity and makes it easier for you to get the answers you need. 

Regular performance reports

Do they provide detailed, easy-to-understand reports on your IT system’s performance? This should include both technical updates (like system uptime) and strategic insights (such as areas for improvement or new opportunities to enhance member engagement). 

Scheduled check-ins

A reliable MSP will schedule regular meetings to discuss ongoing performance, upcoming projects, and any concerns or questions you might have. These meetings should be collaborative and forward-thinking, not just transactional. 

Effective communication goes beyond answering emails or phone calls. A good MSP will keep you updated on the health of your systems and help you plan for future improvements. They should actively seek feedback on how their services are helping (or where they could improve), ensuring that your partnership stays strong and aligned with your goals. 

By keeping these five key factors in mind, you’ll be better equipped to choose an MSP that truly aligns with your association’s goals. The right partnership can help your organization thrive, using technology as a tool for growth and engagement. But just as important as knowing what to look for is knowing what to avoid. Let’s explore some common red flags to watch out for when choosing your MSP partner, so you can avoid the pitfalls that could hold your association back. 

What to Avoid When Choosing an MSP 

Choosing the right MSP is crucial, but just as important is knowing what to avoid. The wrong MSP can hold your association back, creating more problems than solutions. To ensure your organization thrives, here are some red flags to watch out for when selecting an MSP partner.

Beware of a “One-size-fits-all” Approach 

Membership associations are unique, with specific goals around member engagement, retention, and growth. Be cautious of MSPs that offer generic, cookie-cutter solutions. If they’re not willing to take the time to understand your association’s unique challenges and objectives, it’s unlikely they’ll be able to deliver the meaningful results you’re looking for. Your members deserve tailored solutions that support your mission, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t cut it. 

Inconsistent or Unreliable Support 

Your members expect seamless access to services, and any downtime or delay in tech support can disrupt engagement and hurt your reputation. An MSP that’s slow to respond or inconsistent in their service can lead to frustrated staff and members. Make sure you avoid providers that don’t offer reliable, around-the-clock support. Your association needs a partner who will be there when it matters most, ensuring smooth operations and member satisfaction. 

Reactive, Not Collaborative 

A reactive MSP is like a firefighter—good in a crisis but not much help when you’re trying to prevent one. If your MSP only steps in when things go wrong, they’re not adding long-term value to your organization. Your association needs a provider who collaborates with you, helping to shape your technology strategy and offering proactive advice to enhance member experiences and streamline operations. Avoid MSPs that don’t offer this level of strategic partnership. 

Lack of Experience with Associations 

Membership associations face unique challenges, from managing member databases to facilitating community engagement and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. Avoid MSPs that lack experience working with associations, as they may not fully grasp the intricacies of your operations. Look for an MSP that understands the specific concerns of your sector and can offer solutions that align with your goals—whether that’s improving member retention, driving new sign-ups, or enhancing online engagement. 

Why the Right Partnership is Key to Increasing Membership

Your MSP should be more than just a tech provider—they should be a true partner who helps grow your membership and keep your community engaged. It’s not just about fixing problems; it’s about creating an IT strategy that aligns with your goals and supports your members’ evolving needs.

Whether it’s making your member portal more user-friendly, enhancing digital experiences, or ensuring data security, the right MSP helps create a seamless experience that keeps members engaged and attracts new ones. As your association grows, a strong MSP partnership will adapt with you, fine-tuning your systems to support future expansion.

Increase Your Membership with the Right MSP

If your current MSP isn’t driving growth or supporting your engagement goals, it may be time to reassess the partnership. A great MSP will help you boost membership, improve engagement, and ensure smooth operations. Take a moment to evaluate—are they helping you achieve these results?

Ready to increase your membership and grow with the right MSP? Let’s start the conversation.