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Choosing the Right AI and Cloud IT Provider: 9 Key Questions to Ask

Written by Margaret Concannon | Sep 4, 2024

Picking the right AI and cloud partners isn’t just another decision—it’s a game-changer for your business’s success. With so many options available, how do you make sure you're making the right choice for your business?

The truth is, your decision today will impact your business’s ability to adapt, grow, and thrive in the future.

Let's shake up your decision-making process by honing in on the essential questions to ask when evaluating potential AI and cloud partners. From scalability and security to customization and vendor lock-in, these nine key questions will steer you towards a provider that aligns with your business goals and paves the way for long-term success.

Are you ready to dive into the questions that will future-proof your business with AI and the cloud? Let's get started!
  1. Can this partnership grow with your business as your needs evolve?
  2. How well can this provider protect your data and ensure compliance with industry standards?
  3. Will their solutions integrate seamlessly with your existing systems?
  4. Are you getting the right balance of quality and cost for your budget?
  5. Will this provider offer reliable support when you need it most?
  6. Is this partner committed to innovation, and does their roadmap align with your long-term goals?
  7. How dependable is the provider’s AI and cloud infrastructure?
  8. Does the provider offer tailored AI and cloud solutions to fit your specific business needs?
  9. How easily can you switch AI and cloud providers if needed?
  10. Your Future Success Depends on the Right AI and Cloud Partner

1. Scalability: Can This IT Partnership Grow Alongside Your Business?

When choosing an AI and cloud provider, scalability is a non-negotiable factor. Your business needs today might be very different from what they will be in a few years, so it’s crucial to select a provider that can grow with you. This means looking for a partner that offers scalable solutions—whether you’re planning to expand rapidly, enter new markets, or simply need to handle increasing data volumes and user demands.

Evaluate the provider’s ability to offer tiered or flexible services that can adapt to your changing needs. For example, can they seamlessly scale your AI and cloud resources as your business grows, without requiring a complete overhaul of your systems? Consider whether they provide scalable machine learning models, additional cloud storage, or computing power that can be ramped up as your business expands.

Moreover, with the cloud computing market expected to more than double by 2027, selecting a partner that understands and anticipates future growth trends in your industry is key. Providers who offer solutions that can scale both in capacity and complexity will help ensure that your business remains competitive and agile in a rapidly evolving market.


2. Cybersecurity: How Well Can This IT Service Provider Protect Your Data?

Cybersecurity remains a top priority for businesses adopting AI and cloud services. With nearly half of organizations on high alert about cybersecurity risks during the adoption of generative AI, it's crucial to prioritize top-notch security measures from cloud providers. So, when vetting potential AI and cloud partners, be sure to give their security protocols a thorough once-over and confirm they align with industry standards.

But it’s not just about ticking off a compliance checklist. You need to dig deeper into how effectively the provider manages security incidents.

How quickly do they respond to threats? Do they have a proven track record of improving business cloud security and protecting sensitive data, and what measures do they have in place to prevent breaches? In an era where nearly half of organizations are highly concerned about cybersecurity risks—especially with the rise of AI—choosing a provider with top-notch security protocols is non-negotiable.

Finally, consider how the provider manages data across different environments, particularly if you’re adopting a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud strategy. Security measures should be consistent and strong across all platforms, ensuring your data remains protected no matter where it’s stored or processed.

3. Integration Capabilities: Will Their Solutions Integrate with Your Existing Systems?

When you’re bringing in new AI and cloud IT solutions, the last thing you want is a tech clash that leaves your systems in chaos. That’s why it’s crucial to consider how well a provider’s solutions will integrate with your existing infrastructure. The goal here is to make sure everything works together smoothly, like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly.

Start by evaluating whether the provider offers the necessary APIs, tools, and support to ensure their solutions can mesh with what you already have in place—whether it's on-premises or across different cloud environments. Seamless integration is key to reducing headaches down the road. Think about it: you don’t want to spend time and resources reworking your entire tech stack just to accommodate a new service.

Consider how the provider’s AI platforms and cloud solutions will work with your current systems:

  • Can their AI models easily tap into your existing data?
  • Will their cloud services sync up with your current workflows without causing disruptions? For instance, if you’re using natural language processing (NLP) models  or deploying AI for specific business cases, you’ll want to ensure that these can be seamlessly integrated without needing to overhaul your infrastructure.

In an increasingly multi-cloud world, where 84% of companies are already leveraging multiple cloud platforms, flexibility in integration isn’t just nice to have—it’s a necessity. Your AI and cloud provider should enable smooth interactions between different systems and platforms, ensuring that your business remains agile and adaptable, no matter how complex your tech infrastructure becomes.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Are You Getting the Right Balance of Quality and Cost?

Let’s face it: when it comes to AI and cloud services, it’s easy to get dazzled by the latest tech and end up overspending. But the most advanced solutions aren’t always the best fit for your budget—or your business. In fact, managing cloud costs has become a top concern for 82% of organizations, with 28% estimating that a significant chunk of their cloud spend is wasted. This makes choosing a cost-effective provider not just smart, but essential.

AI-specific costs can also add up quickly. Training machine learning models, especially large-scale ones, requires significant computational power, which can drive up cloud costs. For example, AI workloads often involve processing vast amounts of data in real time, which can increase storage and processing expenses if not managed efficiently.

Providers like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure offer specialized AI tools and services, but these can come with premium pricing. Therefore, it’s crucial to evaluate whether the AI services provided are truly necessary for your business goals or if more cost-effective options can achieve similar results.

So, how do you strike that perfect balance between quality and cost? Start by looking for a partner who understands your financial constraints and offers AI and cloud services that deliver real value without breaking the bank. It’s not just about the sticker price—dig deeper and consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) over time. This includes everything from subscription fees and upgrade costs to any hidden charges that might sneak up on you, like maintenance or support fees.

A provider with a transparent IT pricing model is a big plus. You want a partner who’s upfront about costs and committed to a long-term relationship, not someone looking for a quick win. Also, consider whether the provider offers tools for monitoring and optimizing cloud spend, such as cost management dashboards or AI-driven analytics that help predict and control expenses. 

5. IT Support: Will This Provider Offer Support When You Need it Most?

Even the best AI and cloud solutions can run into issues, and when they do, having reliable support is crucial. A provider who’s got your back can save you time, money, and a lot of stress. Start by digging into their service level agreements (SLAs), which outline the support you can expect—especially in critical situations. Do they offer 24/7 help, or will you be left waiting if something goes wrong after hours?

Another key consideration is how the provider handles escalations. If a problem can’t be resolved immediately, how quickly can it be escalated to someone who can fix it? Providers that offer comprehensive support, including dedicated account managers who understand your specific needs, are worth their weight in gold.

In the AI and cloud space, where downtime can cost thousands of dollars per minute, having robust support isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. A recent study found that 75% of IT leaders consider quality of support one of the top factors when choosing a cloud provider. This makes sense, given that AI models and cloud infrastructure are complex systems that require expert troubleshooting when things go awry.

6. Innovation: Is This Partner Committed to a Growth Roadmap?

Ask yourself: Is this provider committed to staying at the forefront of AI and cloud technologies? Gartner predicts that by 2027, industry cloud platforms will accelerate more than 50% of critical business initiatives. This statistic underscores the importance of choosing a partner with a forward-looking innovation roadmap—one that’s aligned with the future trajectory of your industry and your business.

But it’s not just about big promises; it’s about execution. A provider who continuously innovates and isn’t shy about sharing their plans with you is more likely to support your long-term success.

You want to be with a partner who’s not only adopting the latest advancements in AI and cloud computing but also aligning these innovations with your specific goals. Whether it’s advancements in AI platforms, machine learning models, or cloud infrastructure, the right provider will help you leverage these technologies without needing to switch providers or undergo disruptive transitions.

7. Reliability: How Dependable is the AI and Cloud Infrastructure?

In the world of AI and cloud services, reliability isn’t just a box to tick—it’s the backbone of your entire operation. Your business depends on these systems running smoothly, and any downtime can be more than just a minor inconvenience—it can be a costly disaster. Gartner estimates that the average cost of IT downtime is a staggering $5,600 per minute. For businesses relying on AI to process data in real time or cloud platforms to keep operations running, those minutes can add up fast.

This is why choosing a provider with rock-solid infrastructure is critical. The top players in the industry, like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, often boast uptime guarantees of 99.9% or more—meaning you’re looking at less than nine hours of downtime per year. But don’t just take their word for it; dig deeper into how they actually deliver on those promises.

  • How do they handle redundancy and failover? For AI workloads that need to be constantly up and running, these backup systems can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a major meltdown.

  • How do they handle proactive monitoring? Ensuring reliability goes beyond having the necessary infrastructure; it involves utilizing automated tools to detect and resolve issues before they spiral out of control. This proactive approach can be a lifesaver, particularly in AI environments where uninterrupted access to data and computing resources is absolutely essential.

8. Customization: Does This Provider Offer Tailored AI Solutions?

The rise of multi-cloud strategies—adopted by 84% of mid-to-large companies in 2023—underscores the need for flexible AI and cloud solutions that can integrate smoothly with various services across platforms. This flexibility ensures your business can adapt to new technologies and scale efficiently, maintaining agility in a rapidly evolving market. For instance, a healthcare organization may need AI algorithms tailored for medical imaging, while a financial firm might require customized data processing pipelines that comply with stringent regulatory requirements.

When you’re evaluating a provider, it’s crucial to look at their ability to offer customizable AI solutions. For instance, can their machine learning models be fine-tuned with your data to boost accuracy and relevance? And what about their cloud infrastructure—do they allow you to tweak storage, computing power, and network configurations to match your specific workloads? The ability to customize these elements can be the difference between a solution that simply works and one that truly drives your business forward.

9. Flexibility: How Easily Can You Switch IT Providers if Needed?

Vendor lock-in is one of those sneaky risks that can trap even the most forward-thinking businesses, especially when dealing with AI and cloud services. As AI becomes more intertwined with cloud platforms, the chances of getting stuck with a single provider increase—particularly when you're using specialized AI tools that are fine-tuned for a specific environment. It might seem convenient at first, but when your business evolves or your needs change, switching providers can become a costly, complex headache.

The reality is, many organizations overlook the importance of having a solid exit strategy when they first sign up with a cloud provider. This oversight can lead to significant challenges down the road, especially if you need to migrate data or AI models because of changing business priorities or new security concerns. The cost of switching—both in terms of money and disruption—can be steep if you’re not prepared.

That’s why it’s crucial to think about the long game from the start. Effective cloud exit strategies should be part of your initial planning, not an afterthought. This means ensuring data portability and avoiding proprietary data formats that could lock you into a single provider. A good provider will support open standards and make it easier for you to move your data, AI models, and workflows if you ever decide it’s time to switch gears.

Your Future Success Depends on the Right AI and Cloud Partner

Choosing the right AI and cloud provider isn't just about meeting today's needs—it's about setting your business up for success tomorrow and beyond. By asking the right questions, you're taking control of your company's future, ensuring that the provider you choose can grow with you, protect your data, and keep you ahead of the curve.

Think of it this way: the decisions you make now will shape how your business adapts to new challenges and opportunities in the rapidly evolving world of AI and cloud computing. It's not just about finding a provider that works for you now—it's about finding a partner who will continue to be a good fit as your business evolves.

So, take the time to carefully evaluate your options. Choose a provider who not only meets your current needs but also shares your vision for the future. With the right partner, you’ll be ready to tackle whatever comes next, ensuring your business continues to thrive!